Finding My Way: 60 English Phrases + Vocabulary with Arabic + English text + audio

This video is an example of a “Semi-Immersive” English learning experience for Arabic speakers created in Encore!!! Language Learning app. You hear the helping language Arabic once and English twice.

The sentences in ‘Finding My Way’ are selected to give you useful sentences and phrases when meeting people, asking directions, explaining what you need, and describing common tourist sights, like museums, cafes, transportation options, etc. Hear each sentence in Arabic once and English twice. Try to say aloud the English sentence. The added vocabulary after each sentence can help reinforce the words. Repetition is a perfect way to help you become more fluent. These sentences are selected from the curated library of the Encore!!! Language Learning App. It’s a screen recording of the mobile App’s powerful My Entries tool that allows you to add any kind of text and audio you need to create customized language lessons. You will hear a combination of native speakers and synthesized voices. The text on the screen gives you guidance, but you do not necessarily need to read along. Think of “Finding My Way” as a playlist of useful sentences to memorize. Once you’ve mastered the vocabulary in these sentences, you’ll be well on your way to feeling confident using English during your next journey! The text shows in both languages. These videos are created by screen recording an Encore!!! playlist as it plays. Then we sprinkled in relevant images to help reinforce the language learning process. 

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*The Android version is in the beta test mode - it is free for all the languages. Being in beta mode the version is still being worked on and may not work with all Android devices.