How To Learn A New Language While Stuck At Home

Learning a new language is a great goal to give yourself, but it can seem daunting to do alone. If you are wondering how to learn a new language by yourself, this article will serve as a guide to helping you achieve that goal.

how to learn a new language by yourself

Learning A New Language Is For All Ages

A commonly heard concern when it comes to learning another language relates to the age of the learner. “Am I too old to learn?” “Are my kids too young to start learning?”, the answer to both of those questions in most cases is no! When it comes to younger learners, they have an advantage for sure. Starting to learn a new language before 10 means benefiting from the advantages of a developing brain. However, while it may be a little more difficult after the age of 18, fluency can still be achieved with study and practice.

Making The Most Of Your Time

Being in a lockdown type situation can be an advantage when it comes to learning a new language. Making the best of a bad situation, the time that would normally be spent outside of the home can now be turned into an opportunity for education and growth. It can take as little as 480 hours to reach fluency in some languages, which means that with diligent study you could get fluent in 6 months or less. 2-3 hours a day of study is a good goal to set if you have the time available, and it can even be turned into an activity that families can do together.

Set Goals For Yourself

Setting goals is important, but what if you can’t commit to 2-3 hours a day? It is important to set realistic goals for both your practice and progress. Make your goals achievable based on your schedule and ability. If you know you can commit to 45 minutes a day or 1 hour 4 times a week, set that goal and reward yourself if you find time to do more. Make goals on how many words you will learn, or how far into your training program you will get per week. 

Goals are there to help you hold yourself accountable, as well as give you something to look forward to and measure your progress. It is important to remember that goals are also guideposts. Just because you miss a goal, doesn’t mean you failed. Take it as an opportunity to do better on the next goal, or evaluate if you need to set your goals to be more achievable. 

Learning A New Language Is Experiencing A New Culture

When learning a new language, you have to remember that languages are tied to the cultures they originate from. Taking the time to learn more about the culture can help you to understand the language on a deeper level, and may even help you to learn it easier as well. Be sure to take a little time to soak in the culture of the language you are learning. Learning about the people, their beliefs and lifestyle, and enjoying their arts all can help you in your journey. Make it fun too! Watch some movies from that culture, try doing it and only looking at the subtitles when you need to. Eventually, you will find yourself looking at the subtitles less and just enjoying the film in its native language.

Practice Your New Words

When you ask people for tips on how to learn languages faster, often they will tell you to practice it as often as you can. When by yourself at home, you can turn the situation into an advantage by using it as much as possible around the house. Talk to yourself in the new language and announce the things you are doing such as: “I am going to pick up this pen.”

If you are studying with your family, you can set aside a time of day when everyone only speaks in the new language.  

Don’t Be Afraid To Make Mistakes

Mistakes are a part of the learning process. If you don’t make mistakes, you lose the opportunity to learn from them. Keep learning from every mistake you make. Make notes when you have trouble recalling a word or stumble over grammar, then make sure to focus on that lesson during your next study time.

Better Learning Through Technology

Technology has given us exciting new opportunities for learning a new language. What used to require classrooms or one on one lessons, now can be done from anywhere. Apps allow us to put thousands of lessons from all levels of language education into one easy to access place. Bringing the most effective educational tools from classrooms and into the hands of anyone who wants to learn.Amazing language learning apps like Encore!!! allow learners to get the benefits one on one education from their device. Encore!!! is designed to be used for 3 hours a day without getting fatigued. Just as you use your device to look at social media, listen to music, or watch videos, you can use Encore!!! as an effective answer for how to learn a language quickly.

how to learn a new language with Encore!!!


The time afforded to us by being in lockdown during the pandemic gives us the opportunity to learn something new. We have presented to you some great tips for how to learn a new language. Setting goals, managing your time, learning the culture, practicing and learning from your mistakes are all effective in learning a new language faster. Using an app to help you learn is going to be one of the most effective ways to bring all of these language learning methods together for a productive and efficient educational experience. 

Encore!!! language learning app brings together the best educational techniques into an easy to use app. You can create customized playlists to help you craft an experience that works best for you, while the app is designed in a way that lets you learn while multitasking. You can also create your own level of immersion and repetition. If you want an example of the learning style before you download the app, we have some great video samples.

FAQs about How To Learn A New Language:

1. How long does it take to learn a new language?

It can take as little as 480 hours to reach fluency in some languages. A dedicated student can learn a language in 6 months to a year.

2. Can you learn a new language by yourself?

As long as you have access to learning tools for the language you can learn any language by yourself. An app such as Encore!!! helps by providing all of the tools and lessons you need in an easy to use and access form.

3. Is it possible to learn a new language after 20?

Yes, you can learn a new language after the age of 20. It might be easier before you turn 18, but that doesn’t mean you cannot learn with the proper lessons.

4. What’s the best app to learn a language?

Encore!!! is the best app for learning a language. You can create customized playlists for listening and repeating dozens of times without needing to look or interact with your mobile device. All with content created by native language speakers!

5. How many hours a day should I study a language?

You should study based on the amount of time you have available to do so. If you can only squeeze 30-90 minutes into your day, study for that long. If you can study for a more optimal amount of time like 2-3 hours a day, then you should devote that time to your learning.

How to Use Contents in this folder

Download Encore!!! and elevate your language learning to the next level

*The Android version is in the beta test mode - it is free for all the languages. Being in beta mode the version is still being worked on and may not work with all Android devices.