An app for Lower-Back pain

This app provides the user instructional videos and audio-visual aids so one can perform breath sequences that help minimize the mental and physical stress associated with pain. The breath sequences also involve body movements that help alleviate back pain.
In this app there are a number of features that can allow you to learn and then tailor breathing techniques specially selected for pain management.
Breath is one of those activities that we normally perform involuntarily but can be made voluntary by paying attention. To perform breathing sequences, in stillness and in motion requires focused attention. As the breath sequences become more challenging and depart from our normal involuntary breathing more attention is needed. The app presented here provides audio-visual cues and video-based cues to help the user stay focused on a sequence of breaths with a set of chosen breath periods.
In addition to the breathing it is also useful to create a visualization and affirmation that is positive and helpful. Typical visualizations involve drawing the mind away from the region of pain to visions of being healed and pain-free. In the app the user can choose or create a personalized affirmation that can be seen on the screen during the practice.
The app comes with default playlists of both videos and of breath timing sequences. A user can start with these playlists and then use the customization feature to create other playlists that suit his or her need.
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