Learn To Make Polite Requests In A Language With Encore!!! App
When you start learning a language, almost every learning method has a similar progression of words that you begin learning with. You start with a few simple words and basic verb tenses, learning how to identify everyday objects, and some polite greetings. But, often some of the most important phrases are neglected in the early phases of language learning. One of the most neglected are polite requests or offers, which also happen to be some of the most common and useful parts of a language. These polite requests are especially important for travelers who are not fluent in a language yet.

Encore!!! can help you learn and remember the polite requests that will be most useful for you. In this article we will show you why these polite requests are important, and how you can put our app to use to help you learn the phrases you need most during your travels and interactions.
How Useful Is It To Learn Polite Requests And Offers
Imagine you are sitting at a restaurant in Japan with a business colleague and you need to make an order and it requires you to make a specific request that you cannot just read or point to in the menu. If you have memorized the polite request phrases you need, you can find that situation going much smoother. Knowing simple polite request and offer phrases can help you to avoid potentially embarrassing mistakes
In earlier times, it was common for travelers and language students to pick up a “phrase book” which contained these polite requests. These books helped travelers and language learners to learn and remember the ones that they will use the most, and also existed to use as a reference while at your destination. The digital age and the transition away from physical books and to some of the styles of app based learning has made this a less common learning tool, but that doesn’t mean it is any less important now than it was in the past.
What is the Encore!!! Language Learning App
Encore!!! is an app that has some of the most flexible learning tools available, all while being incredibly easy to use. It is one of the few apps out there that uses the classic L1-L2 method of learning, where you repeat words and phrases in both your native language and the language you are seeking to learn. By using this classic learning method it makes it the perfect language for learning the phrases you need to know when you need to know them. It has tools that you can use to let you customize your learning experience, as well as built-in lessons designed by professional language teachers.
How Can Encore!!! Help You Learn Polite Requests And Offers
Encore!!! features several fantastic tools that let you design lessons that will help you learn the lessons that you need and want to know. Here are just a few of the ways that you can use Encore!!! to help you learn these polite requests and offers quickly and effectively.
- My Entries – The My Entries feature of Encore!!! lets you take control of your learning. You can find a few of the polite phrases you are looking to memorize and then record them for your own use in the app. The best part is that you get full control of the lesson. Like our built in lessons, My Entries lets you take those recordings and adjust them to best fit your learning needs. Change the number of times the phrase repeats, adjust the time needed between phrase repeats, and all of this is with the custom phrases you have recorded.
- Custom Playlists – Encore!!! allows you to make custom playlists from the lessons in our library, and this includes the ones you create with the My Entries feature. This allows you to take the content you created and mix it with relevant lessons from our built-in content to craft a playlist or lesson plan that will let you focus on the words and phrases you need. Find the ones that relate to the phrases you are trying to learn and put them all together in a lesson custom designed for your success.
- Learn On The Go – Encore!!! is unlike many of the other language learning apps on the market in the fact that you can use it mostly hands free. Encore!!! doesn’t require you to interact with the app physically during the lessons unless you choose to. This lets you take a “set it and forget it” approach to your lessons and learn wherever you are and whatever you are doing. You can set your playlist and practice your language learning while driving, doing housework, exercising, or just about anything else that you may be doing. As long as you are able to listen and repeat, you can use Encore!!! for a lesson during that time.
You don’t even need an internet connection to use Encore!!! This lets you use the app virtually anywhere and in places where other apps cannot go! - Test Yourself – Once you have listened – spoken – and repeated these lessons enough times, you will find yourself feeling more comfortable. See just how comfortable you have become with these phrases by using our test feature and testing your ability to recall and repeat these phrases when needed.
These are just a couple of ways that you can turn Encore!!! into your own version of one of those classic phrasebooks, only modernized in new and unique ways. By taking a tried and true method of learning, and mixing it with the ability to make custom content, Encore!!! lets you develop knowledge of a language and turn that knowledge into ability and fluency.
Learning a few polite requests and phrases can take a lot of stress out of your travels. Knowing how to handle these specific situations will let you feel more confident in your communication skills and exchanges with others. Where in the past people used phrase books to learn specific phrases in a language, Encore!!! gives you the ability to use this method in a new and unique way.
Using Encore!!! lets you take the My Entries feature and make your own custom lessons focused on the phrases that you want to learn, not the ones that a book writer decides you need. You can take these My Entries lessons and mix them into a custom playlist that you can use where and when you want, allowing you to learn at your pace and in your chosen time and place.
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