Our brain is an incredible “technology” that is capable of acquiring a vast range of abilities and even though our physical body can sometimes degrade our brain can learn at any age. In fact lifelong learning is one of the best way to maintain good brain health. In this playlist you will see videos on not only language related topics but learning birdcalls, Morse code, sounds of car engines, nature sounds, yoga-posture names, … You will see videos made to showcase the flexibility of Encore!!! MyEntry feature so you can also make creative use of this technology.
Learn Morse Code by using the My Entries feature of Encore!!! Language Learning app. This playlist is customized and gives 3 repetitions of each entry with a short pause between each one. Train your brain to memorize this 'language.'
Learning is a lifelong process and we can learn at any age. Encore!!! app's MyEntries feature allows you to learn new songs, languages, poetry, etc.